Saturday, 1 March 2014

Do you have a deadly hope chest in your home?

The Danger that comes from locking mechanisms

I found this story on the Inside Edition news show. I am putting this in my blog in hopes to spread the message.

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Self Image

How do we really see ourselves?

We want to instill self esteem and confidence in our children, but do we have any ourselves? Dove creates amazing videos to capture women's thoughts behind our thinking. Watch this amazing video....can you relate?

Amber Alert!

The story behind the Amber Alert

Please read and watch the video for this story on the Amber Alert that had been called. As parents we can all learn something from this. No matter what....never leave your child unattended in a vehicle...even in your own driveway. 

Nursing Moms

Breast Feeding moms...hold public demonstration

In reaction to a news story of a mom nursing in public at a mall....the mall decided to invite moms to nurse in the same area where the first incident occurred. Read about the Milky Way Initiative...

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Women Love Gold!

Gold Day for Canadian Women in the Olympics!

Today has marked a special day to empower women! The Women's hockey team and Curling team both won gold today!

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Doctors find potential drug for toddler

Cancer drug for 3 year old

We all fear of our children getting sick. What if your child is diagnosed with cancer? We depend on the professionals to "make us better." New research is always being conducted. Read this amazing discovery.


Communicating with your baby

Sign language gives babies and parents an effective way to communicate at an early age. Babies who can use sign language tend to speak sooner with larger vocabularies.